
The authorization is a guarantee that the egenanställningsföretag the egenanställd selects complies with labor laws and regulations and has been in existence for at least one year and has no tax debts. The purpose of the authorization process is to create security for the egenanställd and contribute to ensuring that only serious companies operate in the industry.

All member companies of the Association have the opportunity to apply for authorization.

Authorization - a seal of quality

An authorization is a seal of quality for the egenanställningsföretag and can be used in marketing communications to attract prospective egenanställda. It also creates security for existing egenanställda and can thus strengthen loyalty to the egenanställningsföretag. This added trust creates added value for the egenanställningsföretag and is a clear advantage over a regular membership without authorization.

The authorization can also contribute to more credibility for the form of egenanställning at community level. This, in turn, can contribute to creating better conditions for egenanställningsföretag on the labor market.

To be authorized - step by step

In order to be authorized, it is required that the applicant (member company) fulfills specially established authorization conditions. When the egenanställningsföretag becomes a member of the Association, they are automatically asked to apply for authorization. The authorization process normally takes place once a year and includes the following steps:

  • Unauthorized members  are instructed to apply for authorization for the following business year
  • The member  completes and submits its application according to instructions
  • The authorization board, the body that decides on authorization, meets during which a review of the members’ applications takes place
  • Previously authorized members will recieve requests to submit additional documents if needed
  • The member companies that meet the conditions become authorized

The Authorization committee

The authorization committee ensures that all authorized members comply with the conditions developed to create security for the egenanställd and contribute to ensuring that only serious companies operate in the industry.

Hans Rothenberg ordforande auktorisationsnamnden

Hans Rothenberg, chairman

Business Advisor
Former member of Parliament

bjorn_djupmark ledamot auktorisationsnamnden

Björn Djupmark,

Titov & Partners


Katarina Minnegård, member

Financial Advisor

About the authorization committee

The authorization committee consists of three specially selected members who are appointed by the board for a two-year term. The authorization board’s duties include, among other things:

  • to try questions of exclusion
  • to review the statutes and authorization conditions
  • to otherwise deal with matters of importance to the association

The authorization board is an independent body that must have good competence in politics, law and economics to ensure that each member company is treated correctly and fairly. Each member mainly represents one of these respective areas of expertise.